Friday 13.11.2020 13:00-14:00
TOPIC: What’s holding you back? Barriers to your success, real and imagined.
I am a global journalist, journalism professor and also trainer in diversity, harassment prevention, and writing for professionals. I have focused a great deal of my career on inequity in former communist countries.
But I understand that many successful women in the region feel focusing on macro issues, i.e. what the government and society should do, is too much about anger, and not enough about success. Instead, many female leading entrepreneurs say women in the region need to look at their own personal, internal obstacles and make changes. So I want to talk about that tension and what you have seen in your own careers and of course the careers of others. I will also ask your top tips for women and how can they remove their own mental barriers to advancement and what they should be doing to go after their secret dreams, or even find out what those dreams are.
Dinah Richter Spritzer
Founder & CEO Media Confident
Reputation, what does that mean? It used to mean quality, stability and profit. Today it also means a company or organization is devoted to the greater good. I work on all things related to an organization’s reputation, from media training and communication to promoting inclusion and preventing sexism, ageism and harassment. I also help companies communicate clearly in English through effective writing and editing. As a former journalist for the New York Times and USAToday, I connect people to an international readership with their stories. I help clients achieve their communication potential through authenticity, storytelling and understanding their audience. Recently I spoke about the need for firms to have sexual harassment training at DisruptHR. I am also an intercultural communications mentor for startups at WeWork Labs and Nation1.
„You can’t get what you don’t ask for. You can’t ask for what you want if you aren’t honest with yourself.“
Ivana Šedivá
Ex CMO McDonald´s, Google for startups mentor, Board Advisor, Mentor for senior leaders, Speaker
After many years working for big companies, I have been freelancing since the beginning of 2020. I advice and mentor not only senior leaders of corporations, but leaders and founders of start-ups as well.
„Keep your head up.“
Andrea Ferancová Bartoňová
Zakládající partnerka a předsedkyně představenstva ESPIRA Investments
My working world can be covered with one word – the investments. I am looking for freelancers who are coming with extraordinary ideas and who are passionate about their own products. I love personal stories which are connected to the business. Thanks to the investments, I arrange money, know-how and most importantly – the valuable contacts. I am satisfied when I see their development, because I want our kids to have the possibility to choose from strong Czech and Slovak companies while looking for a job. I believe that they shouldn’t be aiming only for international companies as we can have great potential even here.
„The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker