Tereza Zavadilová

The co-founder and CEO of the news server newstream.cz

Wednesday March 26th 2025

speaker of the Empower Day


Tereza Zavadilova is the co-founder and CEO of the news server newstream.cz and the former editor-in-chief of the daily E15. She has been working in the media as an economic editor since the second half of the nineties, for example at the Czech Press Agency, Lidove noviny, Tyden and the Czech BBC editorial office. She has been following the financial sector, stock markets and cryptocurrencies for a long time, and is an active investor. She regularly writes comments for the program Opinions and arguments of Ceský rozhlas Plus. She is currently finishing a book about the technology visionaries surrounding Donald Trump: what kind of world they want for us all and whether we should be afraid of it.