Equal Pay Day in the Czech Republic

To remain the pay difference and to help solving this issue the non profit organisation BPWCR run the whole-year campaign for #equalpay and organize the EPD Event consisting of Conference and Speed mentoring since 2010.
With support of partners and women themselves it became shortly the most popular and largest conference about women in the Czech Republic, mainly for its atmosphere and energy. We bring important issues and make them visible.

WHY should You attend ?

  1. Discover powerful tools to advance your career or business development.
  2. Get courage to make bold decisions. Use your voice.
  3. You learn and enjoy yourself at one time.
  4. Learn from best practice and personal stories.
  5. Capture positive energy and the understanding that ‘I am enough’.
  6. Build your professional network, create leads and new relationships.
  7. Let it change your one week with us, with the potential to change even months and years. 

26th March – 1st April 2021

I want to get myself there!

I want to bring my team!


spreading energy and new ideas

Conference Speakers

Designed for women and men interested in making positive changes in their own lives and others, which is ultimately bringing positive change in the society. We have recruited the top business experts, thought leaders, influencers, and coaches to present.

2 – 4 PM speed MENTORING

sharing of life stories and experience

English speaking mentors

Do you need to break out of your daily routine?
Out of the same and repeating work tasks?
Get the energy, new experience and move forward.
We offer real stories with real solutions.
Let‘s motivate each other.

since 2010 in the Czech Republic

fifty fifty is the real equality

#equalpay campaign

The EPD brings together participants from all around the world and it is a great opportunity to connect and build relationships with mentors, potential business partners, and customers. Best practices for learn to grow.


 With additional pre and post conference webinars as part of the Leadership Journey.
Join Sari Brody´s talk with Diversity and Inclusion Topic on the 18th March

Meet English speakers & mentors of 2021


Mounia El Hilali Acherkouk Yakhlef

Don’t wait to be asked take the lead!

Nicole Erdmann

Make sure you follow your dreams, not your fears

Sophie Gaspard

no image added yet.

Speaker, Owner of Antonia Burrell Holistic Skincare

Antonia Burrell

Speaker, Commercial Counselor U.S. Embassy Prague

Christina Sharkey

Speaker, Cultural Attache U.S. Embassy Prague

Erik W. Black

Speaker, Global International Supply Chain Head at AB InBev

Flavia Gomes Aragao

Networking for a more balanced & happy life

Véronique Goy Veenhuys

Speaker, Ambassador at Embassy of Canada to the Czech Republic

Ayesha Rekhi

Speaker, Executive Director, Communication at World Athletics

Jackie Brock-Doyle

Speaker, CEO & Founder of WIN

Kristin Engvig

Taking Visionary Risks: How can Creativity Solve Every Problem?

Edina Seleskovic

Be bold and overcome your fears

Antonia Burrell

The Impostor Syndrome - often wrong, never in doubt

Loredana Popasav

Speaker, Founder of Foundation EQUAL-SALARY

Véronique Goy Veenhuys

Speaker, Founder Mothers as Leaders

Steliana Economu

Speaker, President of BPW Brazil

Claudia Pirani

How to find your leadership mojo

Alena Huberová

Speaker, President of BPW Georgia

Ekaterine Maisuradze

TRUST: How We Gain It, Lose It and How to Fix It for Better Careers and Lives

Cristina Muntean


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Press Release: The Gender Pay Gap Has Increased Year-on-Year Again

This is why it is important to annually commemorate Equal Pay Day, which this year falls on March 6. March 6, 2024, Prague – This…
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EVENTEE – Your right hand for the conference

Do you want to always have the necessary information at hand on Equal Pay Day? Find out in a few clicks where and when an…
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12.3.2025 | VIP meeting for mentors with Cristina Muntean

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We are delighted to invite you to an exclusive VIP lunch with Francesca Burack, Chair of the Standing Committee for Membership at BPW International, a…

Special Thanks to partners of 2021

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What is Equal Pay Day?

Equal Pay Day (EPD) is symbolic day dedicated the  the difference between male and female  salaries. It is global educational campaign organised by Bussiness & Professional Women International all around the world. EPD is pointing out ongoing gender unequality of financial rewarding called: Gender Pay Gap (GPG). EPD is accenting the day when women in relevant country reach the salary their male colleagues made by the end of previous  year.