16th annual of Equal Pay Day conference

25. – 26. 3. 2025 | Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

The Equal Pay Day project aims to strengthen the economic security of women by provoking a professional discussion of companies and the public about the causes of the still high wage inequality. By sharing good practice and presenting female role models, it supports the equal status of women at work and in society.

ProgramSpeakers & mentorsWelcome to PragueTickets

25th March, 2025 | Conference

This year’s conference will bring together experts, leaders, and the public to discuss innovations and ways to fully harness the potential of both women and men for economic transformation. You can look forward to 8 hours of inspiration, 30+ speakers from various fields, panel discussions, and networking, all focused on finding solutions and driving positive change, not only in the labor market.

Conference program

26th March, 2025 | Empower Day
Kickstart Your Potential

Empower Day offers participants the opportunity to create a personalized program full of inspiration for personal growth and well-being, tailored to their current interests and needs, using the Eventee app. The program includes mentoring tables on various topics, a FINdependence zone focused on investing and financial independence, an English-speaking zone, a Wellbeing zone, and much more.

Empower day program

Speakers & Mentors 2025

The goal of the project is to prove the existence of female role models thats why up to 85% of speakers
at the conference are women. It naturally forms a pipeline for other discussion forums and conferences
that care about equal representation in the public.
Since 2010, we have presented 371 female performers.

All speakers & mentors
I want to support conference as speaker or mentor.
Mail to bpwcr@bpwcr.cz
Since 2010


Women as Speakers


Conference Speakers


Female mentors
What is Equal Pay Day?

Equal Pay Day (EPD) is symbolic day dedicated the  the difference between male and female  salaries. It is global educational campaign organised by Bussiness & Professional Women International all around the world. EPD is pointing out ongoing gender inequality of financial rewarding called: Gender Pay Gap (GPG) and is accenting the day when women in relevant country reach the salary their male colleagues made by the end of previous  year.

We thank to our partners

General partner

Expertise partner

Partners of 16th annual

Main Media partner

Media partners

Project supporters

The outputs of the Equal Pay Day project are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and cooperating companies can use them for ESG reporting.

Since 2010, the non-profit organization Business & Professional Women CR z.s. using a year-long campaign culminating in a successful international conference.