Kathy Gruver is an international speaker, an award-winning author of eight books and a life and business coach. She specializes in stress, mindfulness, work/life balance, communication and bringing your best you forward. Kathy has been studying psychology and human behaviour her entire life and holds a PhD in Natural Health. She encourages us to find real life examples in their own lives because she believes that we are surrounded by heroes and examples of what it looks like to live an inspired life. She aims to transfer people from being worriers to being warriors which is particularly beneficial for empowering women.
Her speech at the 12th year of Equal Pay Day had its own subtitle: Motivational powerhouse and it really met participants’ expectations. Kathy was full of positive energy and taught us useful techniques to help us to be more in the present moment and to focus on the important things. Let her motivate you for the next days, weeks and even months!

She revealed, among other things:
- Why it is important to be stay in the present moment, not thinking about past nor future
- Reminded us about the fact that we can not control the outside world but we can control our reactions
- Breathing technique tips & how to use our breath to calm ourselves down
- Why is it useful to include meditation into our daily routines?
- Why it is important to have the right work/life balance
By purchasing the record, you will support BPWCR’s activities aimed at promoting women’s economic independence and the position and influence of women in society.
In the Czech Republic, Equal Pay Day is organized by the public benefit organization Business & Professional Women CR z.s., which brings together active women who want to do much more than just business. The organization is part of the BPW International network, which has been operating in more than 100 countries for over 90 years. The founding member of the organization was the Czech senator Františka Plamínková. This organization was founded in the Czech Republic in 2010 by Lenka Šťastná with the vision that when women come together, they can do incredible things.
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