and gender equality through series of milestone commitments & partnerships around the world
DALLAS, TX (July 20, 2021) – Mary Kay Inc., a global advocate for women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship, has furthered its commitment to advancing gender parity by releasing a position paper welcoming the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy for 2020 – 2025 and by joining the Generation Equality Forum Global Action Coalitions.
“On March 24, 2021, on the sidelines of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65), Gibbins participated in a panel hosted by the Women’s Empowerment Accelerator (WEA) titled “Women Leading Economic Recovery Through Entrepreneurship” where she highlighted the need for public-private sector partnerships to help shape an enabling ecosystem for women entrepreneurs. Incepted by Mary Kay in collaboration with 5 UN agencies, The Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator was featured as an example of the unique impact of multi-partnership to accelerate change.”
“On March 26-April 4, Edita Szabóová, General Manager of Mary Kay Czech Republic and Slovakia, shared remarks at the Equal Pay Day Conference where she stressed the importance of “women supporting women,” and highlighted the work of Mary Kay in nurturing women entrepreneurs through training, leadership, and mentorship. “When women come together, we can achieve extraordinary things for the benefit of women and humanity at large. Because we know that if we lift one, we lift all. At its core, Mary Kay develops and trains entrepreneurs, who, in turn, get to build their own businesses and write their own stories and legacy for their daughters,” said Szabóová.”