Cristina Muntean

Founder of Media Education CEE

Friday 26.3.2021

I am currently experiencing a revolution in my business model. Liberated from location boundaries through remote work I find myself in a process of taking my business from the local to the regional and global level. It’s an incredible adventure and I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to experience and enjoy it these days.

Topic:  TRUST: How We Gain It, Lose It and How to Fix It for Better Careers and Lives

Last year we assisted to a debacle in terms of women’s employment all over the world. Confronted with a higher need for family care, home schooling and household management, women left the workforce – and many also their dreams of personal fulfillment, career and salary growth – behind massively. What impact is this situation going to have on our careers and lives long term? And what is the solution to restore our well-being aminds and after the madness of the Covid pandemic?
One of the solutions I propose is TRUST. Our world is going through a massive crisis of trust. From trust in relationships to trust in the media, state institutions and political leadership, our sense of shared reality has been crumbling and we seem unable to reach out to each other anymore. Confined within the same walls, we are often more far away from each other than ever before.
How can we fix that? How can we bring more trust into our relationships at home, in our communications on social media, in our teams, organizations and in our society? This will be the topic of our mentoring session. At the end of this session participants should leave with a clear understanding of WHY we need to take personal responsibility for the level of trust that we create around ourselves and with a bag of immediately applicable practical steps for HOW to gain, retain, deepen and restore trust there where it has been broken in the past for the greater good of ourselves, our careers, families, organizations and lives.

Main thought for mentees:

That we are fully personally responsible for the degree of trust people have in us and that we can do concrete things every day to increase the level of trust – and thus quality of presence, relationships and collaboration – in our families, teams, organizations and societies.

What triggered me the most last year?

People who endlessly complained about the things they couldn’t influence, unaware of the toxicity of their behavior for themselves and for those around them, who seemed ununable to shift their focus and their mood, sinking deeper into personal misery. While outer conditions certainly granted a certain amount of down mood, people who are irresponsible for the toxicity of their emotional behavior will continue to trigger me to the Moon and back 🙂

Sources of inspiration:

I would recommend Paul Zak’s two wonderful books The Moral Molecule and The Trust Factor. Except for that I would encourage you to develop more focus and to read anything you can get your hands on on psychological safety in groups, teams and organizations. Concentrated focus and the ability to create psychological safety are and will be vital leadership qualities in the future.

Which woman i would like to meet:

Michelle Obama, to express my appreciation for the role model she has been setting for the world in terms of wisdom, love and grace.

What would help to make women’s VOICE in society to be moreheard?

Women need to stop holding back, doubt themselves and question their every move. We simply need to move forward, try things and they they don’t work, change our approach fast for the better. This is valid in our careers, businesses and personal lives.

What I would like to read about myself:

That I have succeeded in taking my business globally, that I am able to make a real positive difference in people’s lives and that I am leaving behind a generous legacy of caring, compassion and hope.