Cristina Violeta Muntean

Founder & CEO of VORNICA s.r.o.

Speed mentoring topic:
The 7 Stages of Growth Of Wise Women Leaders

Friday 12.4.2024

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague

Topic:  The 7 Stages of Growth Of Wise Women Leaders

As anything, growing into our full professional, leadership, and human potential is a journey – for women and men alike.

However, thanks to robust demand for more women leaders, growing support, and numerous market opportunities present mainly on our emerging markets in Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe we, women, grew into top leadership perhaps sometimes too fast. With solid wind in our sails, we might have skipped a few stages of emotional and strategic maturity on our way to the top.

Welcome to my mentoring session, an hour of togetherness, learning, and sharing in which I would like to present you the key findings after two years from repositioning my company VORNICA® from the Czech Republic to Europe, and from working to develop managers in general to shifting my focus to women leaders from all over the world who aim to grow into top leadership in Europe.

I collected these observations into a solid framework: The 7 Stages of Growth of Wise Women Leaders®. During the mentoring session I will explain you all the 7 stages – from IGNORANT INNOCENCE TO BLIND BUSYNESS, IMPERFECT INSIGHTS, AWESOME ANGER, CREATIVE CONFUSION up to INFORMED INTENTIONALITY and SPECTACULAR SUCCESS. I will explain each of the stage and I will share with you the types of interventions necessary in each stage so you – and the women leaders in your team and organization – can grow not only into top leadership, but also in wisdom and in your capacity to drive positive transformation in our world.

At the end of our session you will leave inspired, reconfirmed, and with a greater appetite to grow into top leadership – not because of vane ambition, but because that is the right place for you, the place from which you can make the greatest positive difference in our world.

With love your way, I look forward very much to seeing you all at my mentoring session.

About me

After launching our VORNICA flagship community THE CEO ELEVATION CIRCLE in 2023 we are now moving into a space of stabilization, simplification, and scalability. We welcome all women leaders interested to grow in their careers regionally and globally to explore and join our community.

What does the word “opportunity” mean to you?

Opportunity is for me something we need to both SEE and CREATE. We SEE opportunities when we dare to slow down, pause, and take good stock of the world around us. We CREATE opportunity when we dare to act in a transformative direction with courage, self-confidence, and care for the whole.

What would you like to wish Equal Pay Day for its 15th birthday?

Throughtout your existence the gender pay gap shrunk by more than 10% in the Czech Republic. That is HUGE and an immense service done to women in Czechia and everywhere in the world. Gender pay equality and parity in top leadership is possible. Let’s not stop here.

What opportunity changed your life?

Being accepted at the Faculty of Journalism of the University of Bucharest in 2000 as the 13th from over 1 000 candidates. Being awarded an Erasmus scholarship to France in 2002. Relocating to the Czech Republic in 2004. Being given a job at the Czech Business Weekly, the only English language economic magazine in the Czech Republic in 2005. Being trusted by my tae-bo trainer enough to lend me 10 000 EUR at the very beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. Being trusted by the most reputable economic publishing house in the Czech Republic to publish my first book, even though written in my fourth language. The Covid 19 Pandemic, which enabled me to take my company remote-first. The languages I learnt that enable me to live and work anywhere in the world. The good people who saw me and supported me along the way. And more 🙂

What opportunity did you miss?

To heal my past trauma sooner, which would have enabled me to develop healthier life choices and better personal relationships. To develop a solid personal relation that would have enabled me to become a mother on the side of an elevating life partner. To work in an elevating corporate environment and to grow to become a corporate CEO. To work less, and live more.