“I am a global journalist, journalism professor and also trainer in diversity, harassment prevention, and writing for professionals. I have focused a great deal of my career on inequity in former communist countries,” starts Mrs Dinah Spritzer and continue to present the topic, she will start the Main program with Ms Ivana Šedivá and Ms Andrea Ferancová on the 13th November at 1PM.
“I understand that many successful women in the region feel focusing on macro issues, i.e. what the government and society should do, is too much about anger, and not enough about success. Instead, many female leading entrepreneurs say women in the region need to look at their own personal, internal obstacles and make changes. So I want to talk about that tension and what you have seen in your own careers and of course the careers of others. I will also ask your top tips for women and how can they remove their own mental barriers to advancement and what they should be doing to go after their secret dreams, or even find out what those dreams are.”

Don´t miss their main speech as well as Dinah´s mentoring round table with topic of Giving feedback, which will follow the main session at 2:15PM.
With your ticket of CZK 900,- you can join 1 English mentoring every day from 7th – 14th November from 2:15PM or 2 great main programs:
8.11. from 1 – 2PM BOLD injection of positivity with Edina Seleskovic
13.11. from 1-2PM Whats holding you back with Dinah & Ivana and Andrea.
We are looking forward to meet you there!