Steliana Economu is a mother, a writer and a leader-coach on positive intelligence. Her ambition to create a leadership development coaching practice and community for ambitious mothers started after writing her book ‚Mothers as Leaders‘ in 2019. In 2020 she left behind her 20+years career in HR/OD leadership for Shell to start-up Ithaca Coaching. Mothers as Leaders. Steliana believes that the world would be a better place if more women ‘would lean in’ to take leadership positions in society even after they become mums.
She devoted her speech at the 12th year of Equal Pay Day mainly to the topic of work/life balance and having a career after becoming a mother. She touched upon many topics related to equal opportunities for women. Get inspired by this ambitious mother and leader!

She revealed, among other things:
- The 4 steps to be happy and successful
- Why should women be leaders even after becoming mothers
- How can women have career even after motherhood
- Who were the women who have inspired her the most during her life
- Why it is crucial to ask for help if we need it
By purchasing the record, you will support BPWCR’s activities aimed at promoting women’s economic independence and the position and influence of women in society.
In the Czech Republic, Equal Pay Day is organized by the public benefit organization Business & Professional Women CR z.s., which brings together active women who want to do much more than just business. The organization is part of the BPW International network, which has been operating in more than 100 countries for over 90 years. The founding member of the organization was the Czech senator Františka Plamínková. This organization was founded in the Czech Republic in 2010 by Lenka Šťastná with the vision that when women come together, they can do incredible things.
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