Véronique Goy Veenhuys is Founder of EQUAL-SALARY, the certification of equal compensation for women and men, established in 2010 as a nonprofit foundation. The EQUAL-SALARY certification process has been developed in collaboration with the University of Geneva and its audits are now entrusted to recognized partners such as PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers).
Véronique has been working on the topic of equal pay for a long time and calls on other women to be active: „Let’s join forces to make equal pay a reality everywhere to make women feel fully recognized for their contribution to the world.“

It was no different at the 12th year of Equal Pay Day 2021 conference. In an interview with Lenka Simerská, the main manager of 22 % K ROVNOSTI (22% TO EQUALITY) project, she revealed, among other things:
- What was behind the establishment of the EQUAL-SALARY foundation and what is its place in the v business world.
- What is EQUAL-SALARY certification system.
- How high the gender pay gap is acceptable for the EQUAL-SALARY certification system.
- In her view, what is the ‘’relationship“ between equal pay and equal opportunities.
By purchasing the record, you will support BPWCR’s activities aimed at promoting women’s economic independence and the position and influence of women in society.
In the Czech Republic, Equal Pay Day is organized by the public benefit organization Business & Professional Women CR z.s., which brings together active women who want to do much more than just business. The organization is part of the BPW International network, which has been operating in more than 100 countries for over 90 years. The founding member of the organization was the Czech senator Františka Plamínková. This organization was founded in the Czech Republic in 2010 by Lenka Šťastná with the vision that when women come together, they can do incredible things.
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